If you're going to a basketball game, what do you wear? A jersey. If you're going to the gym, what do you have on? Workout gear. If you tried to workout in casual clothes, not only would it be uncomfortable, but it would also be functionally difficult! Can you imagine running on the treadmill in jeans??!
The clothes that we wear mirror our environment, culture, roles, and responsibilities. With that in mind, it makes sense that what you wear to work should be appropriate in regards to the company's culture and your role in it. If you happened to not dress in a way that fellow co-workers, managers, or even clients expect, they might not have as much respect, esteem, or trust in you. Conversely, by dressing to match your role and company's value's you will be treated with high regard and will be taken more seriously.
Here are a few tips for ladies working in a professional setting: *
1) Dress Sharp- dark suits (tan or brown suits can occasionally work, in the right season), and white or light blue blouses are classic.
2) Be Classy- stay away from silky blouses (you're not going to the club), things that are low cut and slits that are too high.
3) Dress Age Appropriate- don't be tempted by ultra-modern/young styles, nor do you need to look like a 70 year old librarian!
4) Still Be Yourself- being confident and happy translates that you know who you are and what you're doing!
*Note: if you are working in an industry that is art, fashion, or tech related, these rules will differ. In those settings, it is more expected to match the culture and/or your personal sense of style.
As a parting piece of advice: as a teenager, I worked as a Hostess in an upscale restaurant. My first piece of training was from the Restaurant Manager: "You are the first thing people see and interact with when they enter the restaurant. Whatever their interaction is like with you is how they will perceive us all. Represent us well!"
To that I say: Ladies- Represent us well. And as always- Be classy and kind, and you'll earn the respect you deserve.
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