Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Do You Sit ALL DAY? Here are Tips for Staying Healthy at Work!

Do you ever have those days where you stand up and think-"WOW, standing up feels good!  I've been sitting for way too long!"  And then you probably worry, "...that's probably not healthy, right?"

I've compiled some tips on how you can stay healthy despite being confined to the office!  (And if you have others, please share them!).  I've grouped them into the categories of diet, work space, and stress management.

  • Bring your lunch!  You're more likely to eat poorly when you're limited to options of the fast food place next door or finishing off your co-worker's birthday cake.  Make the following the night before: 2 snacks (typically 200 calories or less and try to stick to fruits, veggies, nuts, or string cheese) and your lunch (go with something well rounded like a turkey sandwich on whole wheat, or a spinach salad with dried cranberries and sliced almonds).  
  • Bring a water bottle!  Sometimes if you're hungry, you're really only thirsty.  So always try drinking water first to see if that satisfies you.  Craving soda?  Try a better alternative like Crystal Light, 100% Orange Juice, or the best alternative: water with lemon or lime in it.  
  • Avoid the Treats!  There are always treats around the office, so in many cases, be a generous person and give them away (to anyone you can!) or try not to be around them.  Out of sight, out of mind!
  • Have gum, mints, or a toothbrush around!  If you're feeling munchy, try just chewing on a piece of gum or a mint for a while. In most cases, it's all you need!  However, if you're feeling EXTRA munchy, brush your teeth!  No one wants to ruin clean teeth right?? (And it's always nice to work with people who have good breath:)
2)Work Space:

  • Take the stairs!  If you're wearing heels, stairs can be a pain, but it is great for your heart, and will burn an extra few calories!
  • Stand up as often as you can!  Are you on the phone and on hold?  Or are you in a conference meeting?  Standing up increases your blood flow and oxygen to your muscles.  So if it's not necessary to be sitting down, why not stand up? And while you're at it, stretch! (your muscles tighten up while sitting for long periods).
  • Sit on a yoga ball!  If you do have to sit- give a yoga ball a try.  Sitting without back support will help strengthen your core muscles, and if you concentrate, it can improve your posture.  Furthermore, it's a bit more dynamic than a chair because you can move, roll, and bounce. (Fun right?!)
  • Emailing or calling a co-worker? Go talk to them in person!  If they're across the office or on another floor, don't be lazy!  
  • Be quick! When walking to and from work, or if you have time for a quick walk at lunch- make sure it's not a leisurely stroll.  Pick up the pace and try to get your heart rate up!  (And even if using your arms looks funny, it's effective in increasing heart rate).
3)Stress Management:

  • Take a moment to reflect or meditate!  If you're feeling overwhelmed about a project or task at hand, take 3-5 minutes to close your eyes (this helps you shut out everything around you), breathe deeply, and find clear action steps and solutions. If a private space is available try this while lying down.
  • Strained relationships? Talk about it!  Work relationships have the potential to cause a lot of stress, so if problems arise, create favorable opportunities to discuss openly with the other person involved.  If you close up your feelings or hold on to them, you will feel worse.
  • Try not to bring work home with you!  When at all possible, make sure you get to experience JOY within your day, apart from the stresses of work.  Spend time with friends and loved ones, and separate yourself from the to-do list.
For tips on squeezing in gym time, go to this post from a few weeks ago:


  1. Great ideas Jenessa! I have found that when I am frustrated with a project or just stumped about a particular work problem, a short walk clears up my head and improves my mood.

    I appreciate your diet tips too! Do you have any suggestions for healthy and easy to prepare lunches? I feel like I get sick of the same old lunch items like sandwiches and salads. Do you have any other ideas?
